We heard you wanted another washed Ethiopia, so we went out and sourced one for you! Introducing the delicious Ethiopia Kelloo Gedeb Lalessa Washed.
Grown in the region of Lalesa, one of the finest coffee growing regions in Gedeo, thanks in-part to its dense semi-forest vegetation, including “false banana” trees and shade grown coffee trees. Lalesa is a great example of best practices in the area of coffee growing agro-ecology.
Made up of cherries from the local area, the coffee cherries are collected manually and hand sorted later. The coffee is then delivered to the Alemayehu Tilahun Washing Station in Lalesa, Gedeo, where it is processed. Once it arrives at the wet mill it undergoes traditional pulping, before being fermented in water tanks for 72 hours. The parchment is then soaked in clean water and then dried on raised beds for between 8-20 days, when it reaches the required moisture level.
The wet mill is owned by Alemayehu Tilahun, who himself has been working with specialty coffee for over 20 years. Alemayehu, a native to the Gedeo Zone, built his wet mill 18 years ago, with the hope of purchasing cherries exclusively from the nearby farmers of Lalesa. Through this he has cultivated longstanding relationships with the local community and farmers, something which he believes has contributed to his success.

Scoring a massive 87 specialty coffee points, this is a superb expression of washed Ethiopian coffee. We've been super impressed with it on our couple table and for our morning brews at the roastery! You'll experience a juicy and pulpy mouthfeel, layered with flavours of stone fruit, spice and dried mango. We're also getting some notes of sweet lemongrass syrup throughout, balanced with brown spices.
Ready to try it yourself? Buy Ethiopia Kelloo Gedeb Lalesa Washed coffee beans.